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Hey everyone, happy sunday to you. Speaking to you from the past because I'd rather avoid having to write this one up on a sunday! I'm currently...hmm... let's say I'm sipping pina coladas while at my beachfront winter residence? Yes, sure, let's go with that. Rather nice on the canary islands this time of year.

But of course you're here for a little bit of a peek of what to expect from Update 9. Well, naturally it's not going to be as big of a one as the last one. That was very much an outlier (until perhaps we'll get this patreon to 1.5k a month or so, so that i can splurge more on writing assistance.) but we're still going to get a rather fun scene.

We're progressing to the end of day 2 and with it we're fully leaving the introductory period of the game pretty much. Anyone who looked at the expected destination, and the pace with which we're going so far, having not even done 2 days since the start will probably have figured out that we're not going day by day.
So after day 2 we'll have a our first little time-skip, but Update 9 will be the first update that covers the closing of day 2.
The plan for it is that to close out the day we'll pick up some of the little promises, or mentions that you may have had during your route and allow you to pursue one of them for the evening.
This time around it'll only be a Julian scene, so for some of you it might actually be an update with literally zero new stuff. But that is exactly what I'm after with the game after all, that hopefully your playthrough will be a decently different one to the ones from other people.
We were of course somewhat limited with that for these first two days, as character introductions had to be made, and we had to try and give every character some moments to show who they are and potentially pique someone's interest, but going forward it'll likely become a little less common for paths to converge for quite as long as they did so far.

Of course we always have to be careful not to overdo it and have it overwhelm our capacity, but at least the hope is that we can manage it.

So yes, those of you that got Julian's invite for the evening can look forward to enjoy some private time with him (The attachment is a little peek at the artwork for it in its current unfinished state). Then across the next updates more of these will be added to fill out the options for the evening of day 2.

Thank you as always for your support and I hope you're looking forward to the new update!



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