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Introducing Perce "Oh no, he's hot" Blackborow.
You know, I thought that I shouldn't really make the side characters too appealing? Like, to not cause some competition with the main cast. But then I just sit down and go woopdie-do, let's put in a little bit of that, maybe the fur goes like that aaaaaand ohno, he's hot.

Also honestly the quality of some of these latter characters just is above some of the main cast which is a bit odd, but I guess just the nature of it with me becoming more comfortable working with the constraints. We'll see, there'll probably be some redesigns in the future to address that, but that'll be more of an end-game sort of thing. When we got stuff implemented and it's more about polishing the graphical side of things.

But anyway, enjoy Perce, out lovely black-backed jackal!




I swear, between Rukis and you, I'm developing a weakness for jackals ;;>3>