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Hey everyone! It's the birthday update, well at least for all you special peeps. For the others I guess update 5 is the birthday one.

But we did indeed make it!

Leading with the bad news, Story-wise this one is unfortunately a bit light. I had hoped things would even out a bit after the last update, which, honestly was rather packed in retrospect. But unfortunately real-life turbulences persisted and the writing ended up coming up a bit short.
It feels a bit rough and probably will go through some adjustments in later updates still but it is what it is.  Now the issues should actually be done and dusted(fingers crossed) If nothing unforeseen crops up then update 7 should be a bigger one in regards to the story part again.

Art-wise though we're looking pretty good! It might be a bit deceptive because now we're moving away from the main cast and so the illustrated characters are gonna be less frequently seen, but we have Konrad! The local Ear-Tuft-enjoyer who's got his proper detailed character sprite treatment.

Alongside that, we got the first Patron character in as well! Fresh out of the oven this very morning and still warm we got The Senate's character Ayllinwe Sabari making an appearance.
It is a very brief one at the beginning of the game when you're still on the dock, but that's down to sticking to historical accuracy to some degree and so I have to make the women on board the ship count as there weren't many around. It is a very short appearance for now, but she'll find some other spots further down the line.
You'll get to see her on this patreon too probably tomorrow or so, but with today being release day it'll only be the release today.

And lastly in the art department we of course got the illustrated scene of Samuel being patched up. You've seen that one before, so now you get to see it in context of the game, too!

Also some refining happened with some of the characters here and there, some new expressions and all that jazz, but that'll be an ongoing thing anyway as I get a better feel for how I want the sprites to look.
And of course the lighting as well! Got two different lighting versions now for every character for some added immersion!

I think that is about it, we got the Menagerie sketches in as well of course, but yes, for the most part been a month where everything got chipped away at a little bit and I hope you enjoy it even if the added story is short of what I had hoped It would be this time around.

Thank you very very much for your support of course as well! You truly are the best!



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