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Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing alright?

So update 6 is in the works, and what may be in that one?

Of course you know about Konrad already, who will continue to flesh out our roster of Characters with a proper artwork attached to them.

Naturally, there are also just some bits and bobs here and there that have been tweaked, such as some slight editing of the font, and also some additional expressions in cases where Characters just didn't have anything fitting yet.

Then we also have the new lighting for all characters, as you can see in the screenshot above. There are some spots that will need some nudging still, and not quite sure if that's something I'll manage for this update still, or if the refining is for the next.
But Julian's for example I really like, so that is probably staying as it is!

Also currently working on a new fancy scene artwork that hopefully will turn out well, and depending on how fast I get that one done I might even be able to tackle the next one, or another character sprite. We'll see!

Story wise this is a month I'm experimenting with delegating it again.
This month will be interesting for me, because it is a spot in the story where storylines converge for a moment, so I can't even do any writing on other scenes or anything. I hope it'll go a bit smoother than the last update. Fingers crossed!

That's all for now, I hope you have a great day, and thank you so much for your support!



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