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Ohno, do i now have to think of names for these scenes to make it not confusing when inevitably there will be more than one of the characters?

As if it isn't already difficult enough to find names for standalone pictures, but now names for these ones that are just pulled out of context as well?

Hmmmm... Anyway, couldn't have the v2 release happen without SOME big screen scene, right? And what better way than to open the count with some spice?

This one went by rather quickly and found out some things about some layer settings i used that finally made them properly useful in more cases than before. So all in all a good painting.

Anyway, enjoy the picture! Two versions, just one normal and one with some extra peeking as a little extra reward for some behind the scene stats.




omg sammy forgot his pants at port, what a doofus!


I'd say you could always take suggestions or votes on naming scenes. But then again, when it comes to putting them in the game, something more logical might be more useful.


Nah, the name isn't that important to delay it with a vote and everything. And yeah in the game the naming system is naturally completely different.


The next time you ask us to vote, I am going to sneeze

pictuspixels (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 07:01:15 Oh god the swoon hits even stronger aaaaaaaa<3
2023-04-15 20:31:37 Oh god the swoon hits even stronger aaaaaaaa<3

Oh god the swoon hits even stronger aaaaaaaa<3