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Hey everyone.

Hope you are all doing well? We've got a bit of an early pack here, I'll be leaving for Nordic fuzzcon tomorrow morning, only returning late on the 27th, so February because of the con, and just it's typical shortness is a bit of a compromised month.

So to not leave you entirely empty-handed as I'm still getting back into the rhythm and having to figure out how to best balance these perks for Patreon, I figured I'd chuck you to the files for the Conway character placeholders. It's not much, sorry for that, but yeah.
With that shorter timeframe and a lot of my work for Conway currently being focused on planning and firming up the groundwork for it there just is a bit of a shortfall of actually showable work as that all will hopefully pay off in the future.

In any case, hope you enjoy these :) Working on a painting that is looking rather promising so far, so the march pack should include some new goodness as hopefully that will be finished and released by then.



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