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Hey y'all.

Next round of commissions opening again and so you're getting early dibs on them.

As always, this doesn't mean that your commission idea will be picked with 100% certainty, just so that you've got a bit of an easier time sorting your thoughts to submit.
Other than that, pretty simple to apply for one. Just fill out the form that's linked below and i will sort through them once the public opening closes as well in a few days.
I'll get back to you via e-mail once that's done and either let you know that you got picked or not.

And the link to the form is here: https://forms.gle/zsoRKFCCRqGgE4sC8

Of course if you have any questions regarding anything i'll be happy to help.


Simone Spinozzi

eh.... i missed it, i hope it went allright