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Hey everyone!   Hope you are doing well. :)

25th rolling around so let's get the second pack of the month sorted. In here we've got everything surrounding those two pictures, alongside the sketches made this month that you might have seen already, upcoming painting previews and the Watercolours are making a return!
They won't be as plentiful as in the past as i'm switching back and forth between learning guitar and learning watercolours, but hopefully they'll stay as a stable addition.

I hope you enjoy them! And thank you very much for your support, this month and march have been especially good for this patreon project. So thank you for that :)



Maybe you could include a sample of your guitar playing as background music to video of you working with watercolors. ;-)


Oh boy, no i'm not nearly at the point where i could conceivably play background music for anything. Not to mention that i don't have a proper setup to videorecord the watercolours either.