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Hey everyone!

So we got some changes to some of the tier options that'll be taking effect next month.

First off, we've got a new tier which will offer personalized feedback from me. So whether for a painting, some studies or what have you. That simply offers an option to get a detailed rundown of what i think could be done better or what to focus on and so on.

Then as for the existing tiers, the 2$ & 5$ will stay the same.
The one that'll see a change is the 10$ one, which will see the monthly tutorial video replaced with access to the feedback posts.

Reason for that being that i just was running a bit dry on ideas for these tutorial videos and i think that the nature of these feedback videos or written critiques will still fall very much in that same vein and should cover the same ground there.

Thank you for your time and of course also thank you for your support!



Even if this change doesn't affect me, it's seems like a really cool idea. If I was in the art business, I would be all over that tier reward!


Thank you, yeah i hoped it might be something interesting. Switches things up a little bit on my end as well which is nice!