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 Commission done for Leoko357 and Eish.
This one was a pretty fun one. I had two hopes for it, one that i could get that feeling of awesome vastness across, with a horizon that feels as if it stretches out almost impossibly far for hundreds of miles. And secondly to get a colour feeling that is close to the fantastic desert watercolours of Augustus o. Lamploughs paintings.

Of course as so often it was a bit of a rocky path to get there, but at least i'm pretty happy with the first point in this one. The second one i had to abandon a bit and go to a more standard (for me) high contrast setup. I think with a different painting i might have more luck, as with this one i lost the sense of the strong heat similar to how Lamploughs pictures feel more like they have a bit of breeze of cool air cutting through the desert heat to them. But maybe in the future i get to have another try.

Also two versions available, with or without the closeup view as i myself generally prefer just the unbroken feeling of one picture, but the commissioners asked to have that closeup in there.



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