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Hey everyone!
Two images in this early bird posting. Just about managed to finished Rescue before heading off to NFC. So no final confirmation yet and some adjustments might be made because of that.

Other than that we've also got the community voted sketch of a surrealism themed sketch.
Uncoloured as i felt colour would just destroy some of the effect the bare sketch had. I was actually pleasantly surprised how well it worked out, i mean i'm not hugely invested in surrealism art and only know kind of the bare minimum about it but i'm pretty happy with it overall. I mean maybe surrealism allows to kinda go nuts and have nothing really feel "wrong" since wrongness is inherent to it to a point, but still.

Also gonna be all artsy and not talk about the meaning behind it. Not that it's particularly deep or anything... but it's just a little more artsy than my usual stuff i guess, so i gotta be more artsy with that as well.

Thank you very much everyone, and now i gotta rest and prepare some more luggage, aaaaaaahhhhh!



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