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Hey everyone! I figured i should give you all a bit of an update for what to expect the next month as it will break a bit from the norm.

To be upfront with you all, I'm currently in not a great headspace to say the least. It's something that's been going on since sometime last year already with a few positive blips here and there, but for the most part this winter really was rather shitty in regards to my mental state and the batteries are running dry by now. So to attempt to fix that I will be taking a bit of a break. Currently the idea is to have it be a week and with it of course it would mean that April might have a picture or two less than it otherwise would have.

I do hope that that won't be a dealbreaker for anyone, and perhaps there might be some art or photos or what have you to make up for it, but i don't want to commit to anything for obvious reasons. Wouldn't exactly be a relaxing vacation if i have to think about getting something done for my work.

That also means that for that week i'll probably not be in the discord much either, so any questions or just random talk would need to wait a bit too. Once i'm back I'll of course provide an update on how things will continue from then on. I assume it'll for the most part just be back to the regular schedule, but yeah an update at that point probably doesn't hurt one way or another.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and also of course for sticking with me! 



Take care and get well soon! :D Everyone needs a break sometimes for their own good


A shot in the "dark" <a href="http://agentyduck.blogspot.com/2014/09/my-experiences-with-sad-interventions.html?m=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://agentyduck.blogspot.com/2014/09/my-experiences-with-sad-interventions.html?m=1</a>


Have a wonderful break! I hope you feel better soon!