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Hey everyone, thank you for taking part in the poll, and the outcome is unsurprisingly obvious. 15 for and 0 against. Of course perhaps all the people against it just didn't see it yet or didn't vote, but i'm gonna trust my pattern recognition here and assume that we aren't gonna get more than perhaps 1 "No" vote between the almost 30 people we got here.

I've just made the switch over and so you might get some age verification or something like that on your side but after that we're all good to go to continue on.

For the 5$ and 10$ tiers i've prepared a little celebratory content pack for later today due to their early-access, and the 2$ tier will get their highres version of it as well a little down the line when it's released publically.

Over the next two months or so I'll also make an effort to include adult pictures of the past that i made while this patreon was active into the content packs. Which should in total be like 3 or maybe 4 pictures.
