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Switch to an adult patreon?

  • Yes I'm fine with the switch to NSFW, and it wouldn't cause any problems. 19
  • No, I disagree with the switch to NSFW. (If possible please provide the reason in the comments so that i get a better understanding of it) 0
  • 2019-01-19
  • 19 votes
{'title': 'Switch to an adult patreon?', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes I'm fine with the switch to NSFW, and it wouldn't cause any problems.", 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'No, I disagree with the switch to NSFW. (If possible please provide the reason in the comments so that i get a better understanding of it)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 19, 11, 0, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 19}


Hey everyone! So this has been something i've thought about for a little while as well.

I started the patreon as a SFW type of thing simply because it was the easier way. I don't produce a whole lot of NSFW content anyway, and i didn't know exactly how the payment processors would handle it. Basically picking the path of least resistence at the time until i found my way around.

That however created the problem of now already having an audience here that perhaps expects everything to be SFW and couldn't continue to support the project if that were to change.

So to get an overview of the situation i figured a poll and of course the opportunity for a discussion would be the right way to go.

What would the change to NSFW content mean? Well in essence it just means more stuff that's gonna be uploaded. As right now i simply left out adult content (Like the painting Ode to joy, or Short break) Or in the case of "Commanche wolf" it was easy enough to procure a quick clean alternative version. And so with it being a NSFW patreon all that would change is simply that these pictures will be included as well. 

It won't be a swath of new content mind you, i don't draw all that much adult stuff, but perhaps a picture every month or two it would probably be.

So please tick your opinion in the poll and if you feel like you want to go further in depth then feel free to write a proper reply.

Thank you very much for your time! :)

Edit: Am an idiot and forgot to only allow one poll-choice and can't change it now after the fact... so if you could just please don't select both as it would kinda destroy the purpose of the poll.



I actually joined your patreon in the hopes of getting hi-res adult content on occasion tbh.


Well in that case the change would be a very welcome one for you. :D If i'll do the change i'll go back and provide the past images from the point i've opened the patreon as well.


Same here, actually! It might also make it so the pics actually show up in the notification email which would be great. I hate having to actually open Patreon to see the new uploads.


How so? I usually just upload the early-bird pictures just as regular pictures, and the bigger content packs as zip files for obvious reasons given that they just have a bunch of files. I'm not sure i can do much in terms of having them show up in the emails if they aren't already.


While I personally don't get adult related themes, I do still quite enjoy seeing adult work, so I certainly don't have any issue with it myself. Hell, I'd say about half the folks I support post adult work here XD I don't know what it would look like on the administrative back end, though I don't think there is a "switch" for that, if you will, on Patreon.


Hah, i think that about half the people draw adult stuff is just a given in this fandom :D As for administrative end, yes there's a toggle as a creator to set the patreon as an adult one. Not much changes beyond that, the patreon isn't searchable anymore, which isn't much of an issue for me and i assume if patrons haven't already they gotta go through some form of age verification.