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Hey everyone, wall of text, apologies for that, but hope you all are doing just fantastic and that you all managed to get through christmas without getting stuck in doors due to all the food you had to wolf down. :D

So then, later today the last content pack of december will go up and so we're officially closing down the year 2018. I want to thank you all for making it a pretty successful one as far as this patreon project is concerned. The plan for it always was to keep it pretty simple in the beginning so that it wouldn't impede my other work if it doesn't gain traction.

Thankfully it did succeed though and we hit the first goal a little while back. What this means is that i can (and already to some degree have) make plans to further expand what i am doing here.

So that then brings us to the 2019 plan.

Ideally i would like to try and push patreon further. I genuinely love doing commissions but in a perfect world i want to spread my eggs into more baskets than just commissions. As for example they are a bit reliant of the time of year, so currently for example there is a bit of a low point with people having to take care of christmas presents and the like.

The way i want to do that is by pushing more patreon funded content. For example i wanted to dip my toes in comics, i'd love to just experiment some more with my own characters and that sort of stuff.

The good news for you all is that that would mean more for your money. I don't intend to introduce new tiers unless it'll be a major departure (for example including physical goodies), so that would mean all of you just get stuff added to the tiers you already occupy. It also would mean that i might switch the patreon over to an adult one, or just host adult stuff on a different platform. I'll figure out what makes the most sense and how strict patreon is with all that.

So yes, hopefully that'll provide some excitement for you all as well and that we reach a point in 2019 where the polls aren't just always close out with an even number of votes on multiple options. :D

Also of course let me know if you have any suggestions for future stuff that you would like to see me do! Now is a great time for that as i plan further ahead!


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