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hidy-ho everyone! once again, ill be pausing this months billing cycle so no one will be billed for the end of the month; school is still exhasting but lion tamer is progressing. we are over 150 pages of content and im gonna go ahead and say it now.

this is undoubtedly my best work. i dont like to play myself up too much but i cannot wait to drop this hot load in ya'lls faces (giggity). the art, the mutation concepts, the body horror, the violence, the absolute depraved visuals....this is why i draw.

again, i appreciate you guys being patient as i get closer and closer to bringing this thing to you with the most effort ive ever put into any piece of art. dare i say, i am obsessed.

in the meantime, once again, if i make something i feel is worth your time, i will absolutely post it, billing or not. and of course the tuition assistance with my work is looking like the way to go so im not sure how long ill be having this patreon; basically the only reason i have it (which again, i owe you wonderful motherfuckers so much; ya'll are the reason im progressing in my career and bettering myself. yes YOU! so I not only owe you guys quality content, i owe ya'll an "A" (which im doing))

ya'll have a fucking great, happy, fun, safe, and spooky halloween season and you stay fucking brutal!





No problem dude! Take your time and looking forward to seeing what’s cooking!