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droppin some more hype for the epic conclusion of lion tamer and i have some great news!!!

so your boi has been accepted for tuition assistance from his company which is going to help SUBSTANTIALLY with his school bills which means i will be FAR less reliant on patreon and comissions to cover his school costs!!!!!!

this is extremely exciting seeing that i can ease up on the pressure to pump out content at a regular times and i can get back to creating quality content for the love of drawing!!!

what this potentially means for you guys; this patreon will either be price dropped to where everything (and i mean EVERYTHING!!!!) to just a dollar or just thrown open for free and it will be used as tip jar or best case scenario, disabled completely!!!

this is a big moment and i just need to make sure all the wheels are spinning correctly and if it works out, everyone is gonna win!!!

with that said, i wanna thank all of you who have pledged either on and off, youre a brand new pledge and especially those of you who have been here since the beginning. i have been able to grow my academic palate and have advanced my career because of you guys. every cent of what i have made on here has gone towards tuition, books, and gear for my classes and you have provided me the means to go further in my life. you are all special, wonderful beautiful people with absolutely beautiful souls. this community has done so much for me that i dont even know how i can possibly thank you all. you have made a significant difference in my life and myself and my family love you all so much for what you provided us. please remember that you have made a very important difference in a strangers life and im telling you all that right now. i love you all so much and im looking forward to more and better artwork free from constraints and getting back to having fun with all of you

stay fucking brutal and stay fucking awesome you badass motherfuckers!!!!

\m/ MS




Glad to see it! Happy you are attaining your goals and as one of your first subs I'm over the moon to see your growth as a artist and transition from professions. Keep it going man!


nonzie, you my dawg man. you been here since day one and its been great to develop a friendship with you and several other here. this is has been a hell of an expirience


Aye always glad to hear the good news coming your way! Hope this spirals you out to greener and greener pastures, stay brutal my dude!


preciet that smackm my dude! things are slowly getting right and im just tryin to stay the course :)