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TITan syndrome is a rare but powerful mutation occuring in roughly less than a quarter of gene mod agents. the gene mod process evolves further and slowly transforms the agent into a towering monstrosity. the process diminishes intelligence and free thinking cognitive process, ultimatley making them near brainless automotons. though debilitating to the host, it offers the department a small armada of near indestructible weapon platforms that become the last line of defense against heavy threats other gene mod agents cannot overcome. pilots affix artillery cannons, high powered machine guns, nuclear spire launchers, radioactive flamethrowers and other devices. most enemies surrender at the site of these beasts as they approach, quaking the ground for miles. the rest have been met with total annihilation.

in the city limits, TITan syndrome is attempted to be quelled and treated to keep the agent their rational size. in the wastelands beyond the city, it is often encouraged and the units operating against the armies, gangs, and mutants will find routines and procedures to enhance the syndrome in their sisters to better go against their enemies. they will be crudely affixed with scrapped weapon systems from tanks, aircraft, artillery and armor from both their resources and the enemies.

when not in use they must be chained and secured properly lest a spark of their former selves flare and they lash out uncontrollably from the horror of their state. at night, their wailing bellows can be heard across the lands, striking terror into the enemy as it sleeps. some believe these are terrifying howls of hunger, when in fact they are yelps of lust as the creatures favorite dormant activity is heavy masturb@tion, leading many to believe they still demand to be loved and comforted despite being transformed into horrifying monstrosities.

TITan agent pilots are some of the more dangerous and resoursceful agents of the entire department. having campaigned for many months, even years, in the harsh urban wastelands they are far more adapt to harsh conditions and threats even their inner city sisters would have trouble going against. the environmental conditions beyond the city limits have made some of the agents significantly larger and resistant to higher caliber firepower launched at them.




and yes, regular SPEAR agents operate alongside them and they are not to be fucked with


Man I love the lore, moar plsss 😊🤘🏻