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yeah....its a reboot.

therapy has been getting me more and more organized in the direction i wanna take these comics and the defuser is headed into some pretty dark territory in terms of tone and look. where pregopolis is supposed to be fun and lighthearted, defuser will be grim, gritty and set in a hopeless world of mutation and insanity.

what can we expect from the reboot: mutants and madness. yup, this is going right back to where it started; mutation.

 inflation and giga stuff will be few and far between and blueberry will be practically non existent in this universe (of course save for fan requests). were gonna see more of what drives gary to eliminating mutant menaces in the city and the crushing insanity behind his eyes.

all our favorite characters still exist but they're gonna be more in line with this dystopic horror of a universe they reside in. we'll see kady shifting from a supposed comic relief to a troubled young lady. we'll see feng xi as a more direct mentor to gary, trying to keep him from completely losing his mind....and we'll see just how screwed up gary is and it wont be pretty.

real excited for this and I hope you guys are too! i'll be dropping more as they develop




"yup, this is going right back to where it started; mutation." Yesssss this is 100% my jam


Your weird and wild female transformations are what got me on in the first place so I am IMMEASURABLY hype now


Wow! you art has improved a lot! <3


thank you so much! ive been wanting to do darker toned comics for awhile and i think i found the niche. I hope you got a chance to check out the new pregopolis. i think you might like it!


Can't wait man! Let's get down and dirty, straight to the nitty gritty lol.


Sweet! I got to say that I'm excited to get to mutation roots!