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some context.

so as i mentioned ive been going to therapy and yadda, yadda. long story short, ive gotten better and better focus on the kind of stories ive been trying to tell and I feel this is my first shot at trying to convey that narrative. i feel incredibly good about this as it hits areas ive wanted to explore but blocked myself off of

is this a new series? i dont think so. this is just something i wanted to draw with new found love and motivation for drawing comics.

anyway, hope you guys enjoy!




Man You have bought me Even with just the title of it... AMAZING


Really awesome comic! Fantastic work


Hmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 great work. I see the passion that has gone into this. Hopefully with seeing this one shot that out vore MILFs back on the table lol 😜✌🏾🤘🏿