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concept; what would happen if something happened to feng xi resulting in her to shrink continuously forcing gary to find a cure before she completely disappears? i picture kady would be loaning clothes from her toy doll collections. maybe gary makes a small makeshift training course so she can stay in shape as she shrinks....oh the possibilities




Merry Christmas you madlad. That would be incredibly cute and funny to see such an absolutely titan of a woman like Feng get smaller, but still be her usual swole AF. Funnier still if when they successfully revert her back to normal she comes back a little bigger than she was before. XD


Like a buffed GI Joe figure, Cobra Commander wouldn't know what to do lol.


Knowing her, she'd probably still be able to grab the guy's foot and swing him into a wall


Ayo would you recreation a scene from other comics? If so can you regret the ending scene from expansioncomics the blue 32? I think you'd do a better scene.


It's a good series expansionfans has made. Maybe you can make something inspired by it. It's all up to you.


HAHAHAHA!!!!! that would be funny as shit. gary takes a corner and just sees a thug being magically pivoted into walls XD