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first off, happy belated halloween to you all! i hope you made it through safely! 

once again, i'll be turning off the billing cycle for this month due to the semesters end coming up; finals, papers; anyone who's expirienced the WONDEROUS and MAGICAL world of college knows what that entails. updates, still slow (sad as fuck; id rather be doing this non stop), but again, i will post what i can regardless of the cycle being paused.

thats pretty much it. i dont normally stop in when the cycle is off but alot of you have taken time to write me on here so i will be popping by a bit more frequently to answer any PM's you have sent....and a huge apology to those that sent me something like a week or 2 ago. I wasnt purposely ignoring you; supply chain management courses are making me miss my calculus days.

if i dont get back to you around that time, happy turkey day (to those who celebrate it), and stay fucking brutal \m/
