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gonna put this out there.....mutated kady is best kady

when i get more time, i might color it but honestly the black and white goes way too good that i might just forgo. it completely. putting a color on it just kept muddling it up




Hell of a fantastic work! Always a treat when the mutation tag shows up


thanks mah dude! i was so happy to finally get kadys mutant form centralized and i couldnt be happier with the results


This is freaking epic bro, Love Kady in her new form, it's the sexsiet mutation yet bro, just love it! 😊


she goes from being super conservative goth chick to super rapey monster.....i'm quite proud of myself for this one :)


Did you do a background story on Kady? I hope I didn't miss it...


Hmm I wonder what the initial cause of Kady's mutation here 🤔🤔🤔. That form of hers is radiating a bunch of (black air force) energy (https://youtu.be/-VD5kwFznqo) got to see this. Love the cameo too 🤩🤩🤩


that video was awesome!! i think gary might have some runner up for just willingly detonating a flashbang grenade on his own torso just to escape


the story in the mall was supposed to be issue 0 for everyone but once it got developed i started hating the direction it was going; somewhat too comical and too obvious on the fetish overtone. wanted to do something darker and more creative....but yes i think i can do a proper kady origin story on its own without any gobbldy gook nonesense in the way; just pure mutation worship that i know we all love