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i honestly cant forsee ANY reason for her to be dressed this way or even step foot anywhere near a nightclub....perhaps an undercover job but....man this raises questions




Sounds like there needs a reason to be


Well, this is amazing. Certainly not one to discourage seeing Feng dress this way. Pretty sure Feng would tower over most of the other girls in a club, incognito definitely can’t be the reason behind this one unless folks as jacked as she is are more common in the future and sex industries. XD Maybe she was feeling adventurous, you cant know how good you look in something without trying it. I do have one amusing idea. Feng Xi is a high-ranking police Captain and is drop-dead beautiful. So naturally she likely has a lot of admiration from all her co-workers. This is all in the perverted imagination of one person in the office who both loves Gothic club wear and is admittedly smitten with his stunning beauty of a boss. So, what we are seeing here is his imagination of what Feng would look like in such an outfit… simultaneously balling her fists cause the dude knows she’d beat the snot out of him for thinking that way about her. XD I wanna find the size enthusiast in the office who wonders “what if she were bigger?” lol.


ha! love it! yes I can see one or two officers looking at her all starry eyed! ...although SPEAR agents with gene mods where they are massive are somewhat common to see in day to day life. despite being modified killing machines, they do go about a semi-normal life; some go to clubs or bars, some settle down and have families, they go out and do normal people stuff....but gene mod agents arent as plentiful; no exact number exists but they are far less frequent to spot so feng xi would still not be common place. yeah im thinking this could be a fantasy but at the same time i would love to run a scenrio where she is undercover at a club with gary and he has to awkwardly show her how to dance to tecno music (since he hangs out with kady and has seen her do it multiple time; he's not a club goer either) and when he starts touching her, she starts to get REALLY into it lol


...and tbh i can see kady picking her outfit....the issue would be finding stuff that fits XD


Lol that might be the perfect explanation for why it’s fairly revealing. Not intentional, but you try finding something that fits so much woman.


exactly! unless its a pipe coupling, you aint gonna get a corset around that beast of a waist