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 thats a fuckin milestone right there!! so let's celebrate with a long awaited give away! first 2 people under this post will get a full portrait drawn by me!

for you newcomers, I (try) to run these at least twice a month and depending on time i try to make as many as I can (atm I'm balancing school so not as much as I would like). I'll draw a full color portrait with all the detail I can cram into it and make it look cool!

Now, I have a few rules with these: i do mutation, expansion, giantess, growth, monster girls, pretty much what you see here you get an idea. if you have an OC, i will draw it for you and you can do whatever you want with it (just credit me, please), and of course if you want something done to the characters in my stories, by all fucking means lay it out!!

what I do not draw: skat, fart, furry, diaper, futa, anyone under 18 or any of that illegal shit. if you check the tags, you get an idea of what this is all about. if you're not sure, just ask. I'm open to alot of different things but my personal comfort can only go so far

you can tell me what you want in the comments or PM me! good luck y'all!!