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my first blueberry body horror story is through the completed first phase coming in at 80 pages!!! omg this is frickin exciting!!!! all thats left is color and touch up and i'll have the rest of this mother up; a whopping 39 page update!!!

thank you all so much for your patience and kind words!! this is a fucking milestone for me! I have been wanting to do a blueberry body horror story for quite a long time and I have done it!!

in news for later, I have resurrected a concept image on my DA from a longwhile ago; blue then red. if you havent seen it, its buried in my gallery somewhere but it was meant to be a blueberry slasher. well, in the midst of doing this, I began rewriting the script and can safely say it is looking like a possibility. but thats for a little later.

and a reminder, the billing cycle has been turned off for this month so no one will be charged on feb 1st. i'm still getting my bearings in college so i'm not sure if i'll be turning it off again next month until I feel I can balance this well. I'll update as it comes down the pipeline.

oh and I've passed my  first 2 quizzes so im off to a good start :D


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