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hey all. im still working on the stripper comic trying to get it done. I hate to keep making excuses for the inefficiency; the damn holidays, college admissions, regular work schedule and now i got injured at the job is just adding more and more festive holiday stress than i could possibly ask for (tis the season). but i will get this rolling for you guys.

anyway, about the above photo. this is a future concept I've been throwing around for a mutagen that attacks womens estrogen hormones. it begins by accelerating it throughout the body, causing certain feature "enhancements" which then evolve the afflicted into a deformed monster; increase in size, additional "lips" throughout the body, tendril sprouting and various other random mutations occur. 

naturally, I can see kady "purposefully" infecting herself with what she considers a micro dose to give her frame that little boost, only to realize that any dose can be highly dangerous. i'll get a more advanced look a bit later but thought id drop this for a brief look and review




I see that Violet vibe is in full effect 🙂 lol