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howdy howdy everybody!!! how've ya'll been!?

it has been....a FUCKING AMAZING MONTH FOR ME!!! this has been EXACTLY what i needed!! this has been the best time off ever! I've been busy getting my school stuff in order and getting ready for spring, working the dayjob blah blah...

now for the fun stuff, I got caught up on video games I have been sorely missing for a while; played through RE3 remake (outstanding and a comic is being worked on with some inspiration; stay tuned), and the creme de la creme, doom eternal; holy shit you guys...im all about it. i also got the DLC and blazed on through  and right now im going back and redoing the game on nightmare. doom fucking rules!

and also fun, i've had time to relax and draw things i personally wanted to work on, including backgrounds and some non-fetish related work. my friends do alot of LARPing and write fanfiction so i offered to draw some of their adventures, giving me plenty to work on. above is some of the work i have gotten to do which is a warhammer 40k/doom kind of crossover. these are just the base sketches so they arent as polished but it has been super relaxing to take a load off and get some practice which i think will bode quite well for comics in the future.

as for here, I am going on official vacation from my day job on thursday for my anniversary with my awesome wife (she says hi) and should be ready to resume things here at the beginning of novemeber. i think we can open up with a give away to get back into the gist of things! as for the comics, Feng Xi will be done this month come hell or high water, and I'm hoping to get some other works pumped out as well. I've been able to peacefully fine tune some ways on how I want to tell mutation/expansion stories since ive had time to relax. I can definetly say I will be doing more of these months in the future as i think it was super helpful for me to "get gud."

big thank you to you all for sticking around. I hope you guys are doing great and had a safe and happy october like I had. I'm excited to get back with you guys and start cranking out some cool stuff! I'll see you all in novemeber!!!

stay fuckin brutal \m/




Glad to see you put that free time to good use. If you haven't you need to check out Ghost of Tsushima, I just got to the last Act and I can't put it down.


Great!!!!!! Hope everything keeps going well for you!!!!!


Outstanding, awesome to see some 40K and DOOM inspirations from you. 40K certainly works well in the making intimidatingly tall women aspect. XD very good to hear about yourself mate, you have our best wishes.