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it's been brought to my attention that someone has been taking my content from here and posting it on e-hentai.org. I have successfully had them removed.

I understand there is very little I can do in terms of reposting without my permission, but I would like to make a formal plea and please ask you to not do so. and by all means, please let me know if you come across it so I can keep these exclusive to you guys.

once again, I thank you all for your support on here. i means the world to have your generous support and to get to know you guys so I can make this more fun for you :) have a great day

I would like to share with you guys some of the comments I read in the gallery! gave me a good chuckle!:

"this is the shittiest thing I've ever seen!"

"this might be good if the artist didnt make the faces look like that shit on attack on titan"

"no nightmare compares the garbage that this art is"

"line art; has this guy heard the concept?"

"why are these faces so fucked up!?"

i'll be the first to admit my facial expressions need alot of work lol XD



10-4 bro, will keep an eye open ;)


All you damn swipers stay away! This is our dude and we shall defend him and his works till the dying breath. http://www.relatably.com/m/img/loyal-memes/c22703bccbbbf3a05fd3076a2046b7cd.jpg


Glad you were able to get that resolved. The comments amuse me as well. XD


i think i should make that a thing if i run across anymore like that. just post the really mean ones. i should have screen capped em before they got deledted