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lets start with the bad news; due to my schedule with a rather large comission, I am sorry to say I will not have time to do a give away this month. I apologize immensly to those of you on here for that perk. next month I will be shutting down comissions for awhile to focus more on the content here; give aways, and as much de-fuser, vore milfs, and thicker I can get done in time. I will make this up to you guys, i swear.

at the moment, I am working on the next issue of vore MILFs which should be done by the beginning of next month. I think you guys are gonna enjoy where this goes :)

also, a very big thank you to all of you who waited patiently for the first ish of margaret! i was having alot of creative clashing since I usually do darker themed peices and this was a bit more challenging since it deviates from my normal pieces. but the response has been great and I'm happy to see alot of you are enjoying margarets little sister napalm so far...there's alot to be seen from her, i guarentee.

alright, so lets move onto the above piece because I would love to hear your feedback. this is a villain concept i want to implement into defuser down the road and want to get your opinions.

Firemane, one of the worlds most popular superheros, makes a crime stopping appeareance in the city, which is greatly welcomed by many (including kady who is a tremendous fan) however she meets the cities own supervillain (she will be revelaed soon) who makes her a tempting offer; to alter her signature fire beamed powers and flying ability to any other power she desire. the ability to chose her super power.

fireman explains she has coveted the power of size alteration; to grow to gigantic proportions. she explains she has hated other superheroines with that ability and wanted it for herself....well of course, her wish is granted.

heres where the trouble starts; firemane has an intense giantess fetish and soon becomes addicted to her new ability.  in so much that, she expiriences euphoric highs she is unable to think rationally upon succumbing to her fantasy. these fantasies include destruction of the city and putting the public in absolute danger.

thus, she becomes one of, if not, garys most dangerous foes; an unbeatable superheroine who cannot be defeated by conventional means. Gary must play into her fantasies, hastening her climax so that she may return to a stable set of mind to retreat from the damage she has caused.

i like the idea that she would become a reluctant villain. as she lives out her giantess fantasy, she is violent and unreasonable. afterwards she becomes remorseful and worriesome that she has become a slave to her fantasy, the same way one could be addicted to alcohol. what makes matters worse is that since gary, whose only reason to play into her world for the sake of the city, is successful in driving her fantasies, she becomes more and more addicted to him, causing her to return to his city when her urges become strong. to me it feels more tragic that she goes from being a popular hero to one of the most depised monsters in the world.

let me know your thoughts on this. if its liked enough, i will work her into future works!. this is her working look and may be altered down the road 




The concept is cool for fire-mane. She reminds me of the old video attack of the 50 foot woman.