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the hits just dont stop; took a pretty nasty spill and fucked my back up. its healing up but taking its sweet ass time. itll be better when i can do my work without shootin pain goin up my spine.

i got comics im working on right now: a quick fallout inspired belly play comic, the final pages to heidi and friends blueberry adventure, and the first official ish of "margaret" coming in at 17 pages, currently in coloring.

margaret plans to follow the misadventures of her and her cavalcade of friends (clockwise from margaret);

margaret: an iraq war veteran whose interest includes getting rich with as minimal, "unnecessary" means as possible

napalm; her little sister and "unconventional" sports supplement chemist

cynthia: the guitarist of her band and surrogate to an alien life form in need of rebuilding it's civilization

kyle: margarets best friend, roommate, and drummer for her band and always willing to help her out of any jam...no matter how illegal

if you love harems but also like the absolute scum of backwoods florida...well that's a special kind of cancer.




oh not pictured charloette: margarets 50 year old boss who runs a small death metal shop and is a closet inflate-o-phile


This is gonna be quite interesting and take care of your back, I know how bad back pain is first hand.


I remember the prototypes of this way, way, way, back glad to see you it's coming to fruition. Oh and sorry to hear about the spill, is it lower or upper back ?


Yeah, had an accident and was in pretty bad shape plus the last couple of year I'm a bit over weight which doesn't help at all, just take it easy and try not to put any strain on your back ;)


ugh lower. base of the spine. its getting better but its a hassle; going from prone to standing, coughing and sitting wrong aggravte the shit out of it :/


yeah they said its a pulled muscle and to just stay off it. they gave me some lidocaine ointment and it helps alot


Got you, if you start getting stiffness I got a great yoga guy to recommend to you.