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hey hey gang!! just wanted to give you guys a little update on why i've been a bit quiet the last few days; im trying to wrap up a REALLY big comission for someone on my DA right now as well as get these requests taken care of before the month is out....and it's probably no surprise cuz im sure alot of you are having the same issue, but this quarantine BS has played hell with my schedule so getting time to sit down to draw without wanting to repeatedly slam my head into my draft board has dropped a tad.

once we get all that put aside, i'm hoping to get the next issue of the De-fuser out to ya'll as well as some more of thicker. im still trying to get KULTRA wrapped up too (alot of you have pointed out ive niched on mutation's for a while which is quite criminal given my name.)

april was a real shit show of a month but now's the time to bounce back and get back in the swing of depravity and all kinds of fucked up shit. thanks again for those sticking around and for those of you who just popped in for a quick peak. whatever support you give me is greatly appreciated, my friends.

stay fuckin brutal \m/




I'm with you brother and she is sexy as FCK! :)


Cool concept, reminds me of the darkness video games. https://youtu.be/vc-ojX7aAw4


Oh..... Well there we go lol. It was a huge gore fest but still a great story.