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ok, yes, I know: i am the king of flip flopping different projects and I AM working to be more disciplined on delivering and finishing stories ( thicker, Kultra, the margaret chapters WILL be completed)...THIS project however is 7 years in the making. I have been working on a cyberpunk, mutation, harem story since the day I concsciously picked up a stylus and decided to draw comics (included is an old dated piece I posted on DA 2 years ago); learning to draw the style I want, telling a story appropriately...it has been a long and frustrating journey but I am proud to say this one is coming together and will be out finally

its the future. terrorism and madness is at an all time high in the city. a unknown crime organization is turning the cities women into monsters and "blue bombs"; genetic mutations that make them swell with "juice" until violently exploding. the population is stuck on permanent martial law, dwelling in fear that they will become the next victim to these abominations.

meet Gary Myers; a defuser for the PD; part surgeon, part EOD, all justice. he's answering the cities call to action to take down these monstrosities and save the city from being drowned in a mutation storm. a lone wolf naturally, his captain however has partnered him with Kady (not shown), a young rookie learning to be a defuser as good as him in the fight for law and order in an insane world.

so as you can imagine this is straight up 80's/90's worship and features inspiration from across the board; blueberry expansion, Giantess (the special units in the police are called SPEAR, strictly genetic enhanced warrior women and you'll see a lot of them around), and of course a DICK LOAD of mutating women.

this page is him walking into the aftermath of a "blue bomb" detonation in a shopping center




Love those mutations, looking forward to this one!