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woke up this morning and wanted to work on more FMG based works. I had a concept for a situation where we see a mutated beheomth girl in a radioactive wasteland going on a date. as you can tell she's massive in height and bulky with her powerful arms so dates are kind of hard to come by for her. i thought the mean expression with lines on her cheek for blush showed she stays in a stance of intimidation but is actually pretty excited she was asked out. also it looks like her dress hasnt been worn since the she started mutating.

this was mainly an exercise in proportions and manipulating them in a way that might be believable, bearing muscle and skeleton size in mind. I also wanted to work a little more on my vein works since I dont draw them very often but should definetly get a better understanding of how they get presented to show power and strength in a character




She has Cerebella's arms. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/628674429209918776/ just a more jacked version lol