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Ok, is that a Lazer as stated (powered by light) or is that a high concentrated stream of milk?


Hmm Google that lol not me being an ass at all but you're girl seems to do something a certain famous scientist deems impossible ....... If so, her ass is beyond metal, beyond brutal..... That's a new level of badassery lol😂🤣😂🤣


I think we can all agree that if a comic has a girl turning into a multittitted 20 foot tall human monstrosity while growing a second vagina out of her abs....realism might be a little hard to come by here lol. Not trying to be an ass, just making a clever retort


So I was right thinking that was a C*** embedded in that what "12 pack" she got going on lol😂🤣😂🤣.


there will be more?


will be more female transforming? Also how much it will take until the next pages?


yes there will be ALOT more mutation, including other girls. I'm trying to put out as much as I can as quickly as possible. I'll be working on the other comic "thicker" and another one I"m starting up and I'll have more pages coming out for this. I'ts really starting to get good, so I will definetly try to get as much as I can out for this one this month


Eh, I'm sure she's fine. Just give her some water and an aspirin.