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hey everyone! wanted to give you guys an update on the next few KULTRA pages since they seem to be taking more time than I initially wanted. I can say confidently that the inks are looking amazing. I'm really loving how cassies body is mutating and I think you will all love it too. I've been watching alot of violent, gory 80's anime and listening to the soundtracks from doom 2016, DUSK, and NIN "downaward spiral" to really get that disturbing quality.

I'm also being something of a perfectionist to make sure the color  is of decent quality as color is still one of my weaker areas. 

I really really appreciate your patience and I will have something for you guys by the time march is out. thank you all for hanging with me cuz I got more stuff coming to ya and I'm looking to really pull off some crazy shit!

stay fuckin brutal \m/



Hell yes, take all the time you need! Looking forward to it.


I concur! Lol