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Based on the last poll, I clearly got the sentiment that people wanted longer animations which tells me that I should be focusing more on those primarily and stop focusing on animations that don't have any sound.

The GIF format idea was originally supposed to just enhance still renders, but I got way in over my head trying to make a normal animation but without sound. It was just getting annoying for me to render and publish every time due to the limits of the format itself, as I would spend hours trying to reduce the file size and keep the compression low enough so you can appreciate the quality of the animation.

So, I'll be ditching the GIF format for now and focus on shorts and episodes only. 

This also means that from this point forward, every animation will have sound from now on which also includes older animations. Previous GIF posts will be updated with sound versions next month.

The GIF reward for all tiers will be removed.

I hope that explanation is understandable.

Either way, I thank all of you for your continued support and stay tuned for more coming soon!



Hopefully this doesn't add too much stress onto you! Excited to see the future work you put out! 💗


Take your time, do something great, but take care of you first <3


On the contrary, I feel relieved to know that most people are willing to wait a little more if it means longer videos will be made! I'm excited to see how you'll like the Nami and Huzme videos!