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I've been giving more and more thought lately about my plans and goals for 2023 as well as reflecting back on what went right and what went wrong in 2022. 

While I am happy to see the progress I've made so far with improving my animations and audio skills this past year, considering how difficult it was for me at the beginning, I'm still far from being satisfied with them as there is so much more room to improve.

Furthermore, I think that I haven't been transparent and consistent enough with my posts on Patreon as much as I probably should have. This is all still new to me, but it's no excuse to not update you on progress more often. I have to admit, my perfectionism and fear of failure is getting in the way of pushing updates that I should be making, because I am afraid that my work might not be as good as I want it to be and I don't want to disappoint people.

Another problem I've been facing is clearly labeling the kinds of videos I am making and the frequency in which I'm going to be making them, as some patrons have pointed out that they have no idea whether they got the rewards they wanted or not. I've also noticed a trend with myself that I end up lengthening originally shorter projects into longer ones by either getting too overconfident with my skill or being too ambitious with the scope of it all, which causes delays in releasing my videos, which in turn also makes it very difficult for me to keep a consistent and predictable release schedule. It is honestly quite chaotic and unstructured as it is right now and that is simply not acceptable long-term.

Thus moving forward into 2023, I am going to address all of these issues, while focusing my efforts on improving the efficiency and quality of producing animations.

Starting today, you will be able to access my timetable with deadlines for when the projects are due.

Here is the link for the timetable: https://trello.com/b/B99BHeTJ/busty-damsels

I will follow a more predictable schedule of releases to improve consistency and transparency between posts. So you can expect to see weekly updates on how things are going and what is coming up in the future (and not lengthy paragraphs like in this post lol).

Now for the format of the animations themselves, according to your Patreon Tier, there is going to be a separation in terms of length and complexity and you will have early access to these videos as they release:

[All Patrons] GIFs - 5-15 secs, simple looping animations, no sound (weekly)
[Burglar Tier+] Shorts - 15-60 secs, chosen characters, random scenarios & ties
[Kidnapper Tier] Films - 1 min+, chosen characters, scenarios & ties, with sound

As silly and unprofessional as it sounds to call 1min+ animations Films, for a lack of a better term, for now I'll just call them that way until I have a better term or once I'm able to make longer animations more consistently I can actually justify the name of the format better. Again, I have to stress that I started learning making animations only a few months before launching this Patreon page in September last year, so please forgive my inexperience in this matter.

Right now I'm just focused on finding better and faster methods to making animations more effeciently and so far I've been making steady progress behind the scenes in that regard, so you can definitely expect more animations to come soon on a regular basis.

Anyways, that's good and all, but what long-term goals do I have?

Well, with the way how things are going now I have more confidence than I had before to aim for higher goals, the biggest of which is to turn this project into a full time job and work on an animated series featuring original characters!

I know it is an audacious goal and there is a lot of work to do before I get there, but I'm certain that I can do it and if I can keep your trust, I wouldn't see any reason not to pursue my goals and grow this project into one the best places to enjoy 3d bondage animations and possibly even more than that!

In order to get there, I've set a few smaller milestones to keep me motivated such as: 

  • Completing the story of Tifa in jail
  • Create another mini series
  • Upgrading my graphics card for faster & higher quality rendering
  • Hiring an audio designer & 3d artist in order to focus more on animation

Hopefully, I've been able to clear up some confusion and offer some direction on where I want to take this project.

I apologize for the radio silence from Christmas til now, as I've been traveling to visit friends & family to enjoy some time with them. I hope that is understandable!

I'm just grateful to all of you patrons for your support thus far and I hope you stick around for more, as there are more news to come in the following days, so definitely keep your eyes peeled!



Thank you, very much, for the update and letting us know what your thoughts and plans are for this upcoming year giving us more to look forward to.