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Hello everyone, hope you've been having a pleasant week!

I am launching my new website today, where I will also be posting my content in the future!


Just in case something happens to one of my social media accounts, I will have this website as my backup plan. 

Going forward, I will start to host the patron only content on the "members" page for a bit and ditch the MEGA link to see how it goes.

Just simply log in with Patreon to get access to the "members" page. According to your tier, you will be able to access your perks right away.

Other than that, I've been working behind the scenes on the Eula animation and it's about half way done. I went over the scenes this week to add more detail to the environment, lighting and animation so I can give the animation a bit of life.

You can check out what I made this week in the #wip channel on Discord.

I will work more on it this weekend before I head over to visit my family in my hometown for the next week, which will hold progress on the animation until the beginning of October. I still plan to finish the animation by mid October, so I'm confident it will be ready by then.

I hope you understand the delay!

Of course, I will stay active on Discord if you guys have any questions or just want to chat!

As for what comes next after Eula, that is up to you Patrons to decide!

So, stay tuned for the upcoming character poll!


Busty damsels in distress


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