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The final page for issue 2 is here. This chapter is closed, but there's plenty more on the way. Chapter 2 of Claire's Career is in the works and I will post a little preview tomorrow, with a full page done next week. Bat Slut vs Bat Mite is continuing as well, plus I have another superbabe story in mind with Slutfire (though I'm always playing with more ideas).

I'm also in the process of getting covers done for each new story, as well as finally working on the ideas I'd set aside for so long. I'm also getting some new sites together (Subscribestar and Gumroad), but it's taking time to get the backlog uploaded and organized. 

In any case, this won't be the last time you see Wonder Cunt. As always, stay tuned for more!




great story end as only she can turning the moon into a spunk covered arse from her spunk filled one, awesome. We can't do without WonderCunt we deffo need more dude although I'm facinated with Bat Slut and Claire's adventurers to. Keep em "cummin" in their sexy high heels dude, lol .


The PEAK of Anal Creampie🤌🏻❤️‍🔥