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Soooo, I quit my day job. It's sooner than Id planned, but they pissed me off and staying there just wasn't worth it. That said, this means I will now be cranking out at least 6 comic book pages per month, a long with a few addition pieces (pin ups, etc).

I have the new Claire page in the works and I'm hoping to have a ton of stuff done this month. This Patreon page is a PER PIECE page. I'm thinking about changing that to a PER MONTH, especially for the $5 level (paying $30 per month seems a bit much - I'd like to curb that). I'll probably posting a poll(s) to see what course of action you guys might prefer.

I'll also be starting a Subscribestar with a flat rate and Gum Road. Lots of forward progress here and hopefully an even greater experience for all of you. I'll actually have time for management! Lol. Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. This is just the beginning!



Congrats bud!!! That's exciting news! Big fan of all your work but especially looking forward to more Claire's Career stuff!! Wishing you all the Best and Continued Success..


Thanks man! New Claire page should be posted tonight! And already have plans for chapter 2: The Teaching Assistant. And all the time I'll need to do it!


Great news 🙂 More time for more pages Claire's Career 😉