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I know I've posted a hi res of this before (sorry for the low res, but I'm at the day job), but I realize it's buried in my older posts, so here's my take on a bimbofied Spider Gwen. I have SO many ideas for her misadventures. I've had one piece in the works for ages versus Dr Cocktopus (it's hilarious - he has 4 tentacle penises).

Anyway, this saves you from scrolling forever.




BTW, this is a free post. Usually pinups are all free posts. I only charge for actual comics pages or really complex pinups. A cancelled patron mentioned they didn't realize my Patreon is one of the grandfathered in pay-per-post ones. I try to be upfront about that (it's in the tier descriptions). I kept that method because my schedule sometimes limits my output and I never want you guys to pay more than you should.

Oreo Tom

Love to see where this goes.😉