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Lobo VS Power Girl. They don't call him the Main Man fer nuthin' ya fraggin' bastiches!

I hadn't drawn Lobo in a while so this happened between commissions and new pages. New pages very soon! 



Jason Henry

That's definitely a clash I'd like to see more of! A confrontation for the ages!


I had this thought of Lobo taking on the entire DCU but I have so much other stuff in the works that I'm just gonna draw what I can, when I can. Lol, too many ideas!

Jason Henry

True. Too many ideas/projects can bog you down. I am, eagerly awaiting the next installment of Wonder Cunt. Perhaps Lobo can turn up there to assist Deep Stroke, and Hambone!


I gotta put a twist on him though. Maybe Lobotomo. He's more bone headed but with a monstrous wang