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For evil to prevail, good people need do nothing.

I have learned that @grey__amy on Instagram started a movement for a noble cause:

Today, many of us in the AI art community are wearing black for #aiagainstpredators to raise awareness against despicable practices on the rise: the same tools that we artists use to bring our light and joy to the world are also being used by others to create images of clearly underaged “models” in compromising depictions or situations. As Instagram’s algorithms are more concerned with God-knows-what right now, nothing is being done about this. Our art and community are often under enough scrutiny and suspicion already without this kind of thing drawing more negativity towards it. We simply cannot allow these practices to continue and we need to shine a light on this problem. There is very clearly an “us” and a “them” in this… and we just can’t let “them” get away with it.

The call has gone out to all AI creators, models, and collaborators: please wear black today and join us in the good fight. Help us all show the world that while our tools aren’t inherently evil, there are those who would pervert these tools and use them for terrible purposes. Let’s show them and the world that they are unwanted and have no place here.


Check the “Collections” page to see all of the storylines!
Read more from "Ailana's Dream" collection

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  • The “AGI” logo used in some images was created by Instagrammer, Luna Fit

  • Whereas this storyline is fictional and includes NSFW content, any agencies or teams mentioned in this story are also fictional, though they might remind readers of real organizations.

  • Please remember that Ailana Geven is an AI model, a character whose story is presented in first person in Ailana Geven Imagines stories and her diary.



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