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You caught me in the shower!

Well, here I am! Soaking wet!


I’m trying to get going, so I’m starting today’s diary entry… here… 

As much as I am in a hurry, the hot water is so nice. I’m sure you can imagine!

But, I do need to get moving, so bare with me as I go to the sink and keep getting ready.

Today is a big day! I’m heading to England where I’ll meet up with Andy for some fun things there.

But I’m stopping on the way to meet with Luna Fit. She has done something, and I want everyone to be aware.

So… Wild segue… I have been selected to represent Finland in the Miss International event… I have ancestors… It will be in July, but there are events leading up to it. After I get done in England, I have to get to New York! I hardly know what to expect!

Well, it’s going to be a big day, so I better get moving.

Of course, you’re coming too, right?

Wheels Up In An Hour

I made it to the airport. Now, can I make my flight?

I’m taking to the sky! Next stop, a layover on the east coast, then on to London. I’ve booked a wonderful bed and breakfast for tonight.


But first, I have a meeting to attend to. You know how I’ve been talking about people doing what they can? In the Health For Humanity storyline, it’s a major theme in Olivia’s character arc.

Well, I’m the recipient of someone who could do and who was willing to do! It really means a lot to me, and I can’t wait to get to the meeting to tell you.

See you there!

Meeting Luna Fit

I had a layover and arranged to meet Luna Fit. She said she had something for me!

We sat at a little cafe and caught up, discussing our goals, plans, and things we’ve been able to accomplish.

Then she said, “I made something for you. I hope you don’t think I was out of order, but I noticed you’ve had some logos on some of your sports gear. I made you this…”

I am totally blown away! You can bet next time I need a logo, and every time after, this will be it!

So much of running a business of any kind, be it a social service agency or a Fortune 500 company, is brand recognition. If people don’t know who you are, then… they won’t think of you…

All my readers can look for this logo over the days and weeks to come. I hope it becomes recognizable, and I hope everyone remembers Luna, who created it!

An Ending And A Beginning

I made it! And look at this room!

As I go to bed tonight, one chapter of adventures comes to an end and another begins. I am looking forward to whatever happens in the days to come. I know Andy has some things planned for me, and I’m sure it will be amazing.

I can’t believe he met me at the airport. Wow, that saved a lot of me being lost and confused.

And, what a crazy surprise to have Kristi include me in her lingerie photo session. It was great to see her and great to be a part of that!

Well, there’s so much to do here and I have so little time. I hardly know where to begin.

And just look at this room! I still can barely believe it! I don’t know if I want to leave it. It’s like a dream, only I’m in it.

Speaking of dreams… I need to get started on mine.

This time shift… I’m so off, I don’t know how this week is going to work out!

But I know it will.

The plan now is for me to connect with Andy tomorrow for some late-in-the day fun. Late is good… I’ll have some time to start resetting my clock!

You’ll join me, right?

Goodnight, readers!

{{{{ FIN }}}}}

  • The “AGI” logo used in some images was created by Instagrammer, Luna Fit: @luna_fit_gammer

  • Andy, who is mentioned, is an instagrammer, Andy:  @acservices1999

  • Kristi, who is mentioned, is an instagrammer, Kristilana Antonov:  @kris.tilana

  • Whereas this storyline is fictional and includes NSFW content, any agencies or teams mentioned in this story are also fictional, though they might remind readers of real organizations.

  • Please remember that Ailana Geven is an AI model, a character whose story is presented in first person.


Ailana Geven is taking a shower.
Ailana Geven is taking a shower.
Ailana Geven is using the sink in a bathroom.
Ailana Geven hurries through an airport.
Ailana Geven and Luna Fit are meeting in a cafe.
Ailana Geven calls it a day.


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