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Throughout "Moments In Miami" the part of James King is depicted by the Instagramer king_james_ai. The James King's creator has contributed plot ideas to this story.

The Loft (James)

James King was, a few days earlier, working in his home office going over a few grant request sent to one of the foundations he helps manage. The phone rang; it was his sister, Katherine.

“James, come to Miami. There’s going to be a really swanky dance party at the club.”

James knew which club she was talking about—very nice and fun. James agreed.

Reaching Miami, James went to his sister’s loft where she introduced him to Gioni.

“She’s going to house-sit for me starting tomorrow when I go to Cancun. She’s going to the club with us.”

James said hello and, wishing to be polite, asked her about her work.

“I am a technical writer for some engineering companies. I take the boring engineering details and write them for the sales team and customers. I also do editing for several tech journals.”

James could not help but think her appearance and her job failed to match.

“Okay,” James’s sister said at that point, “let’s take some pictures and get going.”


Later And Alone (Gioni)

Gioni and Katherine had, after the evening out with Katherine's brother, returned to the loft.

"I'll be out of here early tomorrow," Katherine said as she stood in the hallway outside the guest room where Gioni was staying. "I think I showed you were everything is. Did you get hooked up to the WIFI?"

"I did," Gioni replied. "Thank you for picking me to house-sit for you."

Katherine smiled. "I think I'm lucky to find you. Your references all said I couldn't go wrong!"

"I try to do a good job. I have a light week work-wise, but I'll be around the loft most of the time, anyway. I don't get out much."

Katherine smiled and looked down. "Everyone else's loss, I guess. You seemed to have a good time tonight."

Gioni nodded. "Oh, I go out. Just in moderation!"

Katherine smiled. "Well, I heard James say he'd look you up next time he's in town. He's a good man. I wouldn't say that if it weren't true."

Gioni smiled. "He seems smart. Good conversation, too. I'll look forward to it, if he ever gets back."

"Well, goodnight. See you next week!"

"Be safe in Cancun."

Katherine said she would, then went down the hall to her room.

Gioni looked around the guest room. It was more like a small guest suite. One side of the room had a small sitting area. The other had the bed. It had its own bathroom. And a view that was amazing.

Gioni undressed and turned down the bed. Then, she remembered she had wanted to make sure the edits she had made to a document had actually uploaded, so she went to her laptop and checked.

Everything seemed in order, so she stood up and looked out the window.

Miami stretched out below her. It was beautiful.

Gioni paused and thought about the night.

It had been fun. But it was qualitatively different than a lot of nights out with strangers—or potential friends, depending on what mood Gioni was in. Elizabeth was smart, focused, but relaxed and fun. James, too, was smart, and seemed more than able to have a conversation. She felt like he enjoyed her company, but he never was forward, never rude. He controlled himself and acted with decency.

She'd felt comfortable with him and even offered to take him to Nikki Beach club next time he was in town. She doubted she'd ever hear from him again, but if she did, she'd be more than happy to spend time with him.

Take Me Dancing (James)

While out with his sister, James and Gioni spent a few minutes here and there throughout the evening. At one point, she told him about another dance club she enjoyed visiting. James had thought it sounded interesting and suggested next time he was in town, she might show it to him. They swapped numbers.

The next day, as he was about to head back to Ft. Lauderdale, James got a call from Martis, a long-time business associate.

“Dude! Saw your sister’s post. You are in Miami.”

James laughed. “Yeah, I am.”

Martis laughed. “You won’t believe it! I am, too. Can you hang out this afternoon?”

James could and said he would. Then, wondering how he’d pass the evening, he decided to extend his stay at the hotel and call up Gioni.

She was more than happy to show him the club.

“There’s a place called Nikki Beach…” she said, “It’s pretty well known, but it’s always fun. It’s one of my favorites.”

James met Gioni there, and in no time, he came to agree about the club!

Day At The Beach (James)

DAY AT THE BEACH — The previous evening had been fun for both Gioni and James, so they decided to go to the beach the next day. It was a perfect day and the company was… good.
Over the few days James had been in Miami, he had spent six hours with Gioni and his sister, four more hours with Gioni by herself.

There was absolutely nothing about her to dislike. But, James wasn’t in a place where developing any sort of relationship with anyone made sense.

He was pretty sure he had given off that vibe enough that Gioni had put him in maybe-future-friend box.

All the same, the day at the beach was great, and Gioni didn’t seem to have any regrets. James was sure he had none.

What Does It Mean (Gioni)

For three days in a row Gioni had spent time with a wonderful man, James King. They had fun; there had been nothing that detracted from the time spent together.

Yet, there had been no… chemistry.

For years, Gioni had been single. She couldn’t even say there had been anyone that captivated her intellect. Passing meetings at dance clubs had been vapid at best. Beyond gyrating on the dance floor to the music, there had been nothing.

James was different. He was smart, kind, and engaging. Just no… chemistry.

But spending time with James had kindled something with Gioni. He might not be “the one.” But maybe there was a “the one” out there somewhere, someone equally smart, kind, and engaging, but with… chemistry.

James and Gioni had ended the day on the beach with a plan to do more, later. James’s old business associate, Martis had gotten them into Fisher Island Club for some golf, and James wasn’t about to pass on that!

Gioni was satisfied with how things between her and James were. But she was intrigued by the growing idea that, out there somewhere, there might be a “the one” for her.

She made her way to the guest—she had decided it was the guest suite, not the guest room—and undressed for bed. She turned down the covers, but felt restless.

She made her way to the window and, once more looked out over the city.

Her mind still played through the ideas that had taken room and were beginning to grow. She was an accomplished writer and editor. She had created a niche "business" house-sitting around Miami that was so successful she had no actual home of her own. As far as she was concerned, she was successful.

But alone.

She was happy with herself, but she couldn't help wodering if it would be better if she had someone in her life that was special, someone who, in the context of romantic language, "belonged to her."

She turned away from the window and looked back across the suite at the bed.

For years, she had slept alone. She wondered what it would be like to share the bed with someone she loved and who loved her in return.

She decided she'd let the idea grow. She'd give it room and even nurture it. She had no idea what end would come from doing so, but shutting off such thoughts for so long had left her alone.

Gioni smiled to herself and made her way back to the bed.

She checked her thought for a moment. She decided she'd not put a timetable on the process. She'd not let being by herself erode her happiness or create anxiety and stress.

Still… she believed she had a lot of years ahead and thought it would be nice if, eventually, she had someone to share them with.

Versace Brunch

James had been a little frantic a few hours earlier in the morning. He had taken a phone call that went on… and on… for much longer than he had expected.

As a result, he had to rush his way through his shower, shave and dressing, but he had been on time. Brunch at Gianni’s Restaurant was a fine experience and he had no desire to taint it by being late and in a panic.

“There you are,” Gioni said as he approached.

“Good morning. You look nice.”

Gioni smiled. “Thanks.”

Brunch with Gioni that day made four days in a row they had spent together. To many people, that would seem like something serious was going on, but…

James just was not in a place where he could put into any relationship what would be needed for it to work well.

“So,” Gioni said looking off to the side, “I ran into someone I met a while back at a concert. Claire Turner…”

Gioni pointed toward an attractive blonde woman. She smiled and began coming toward them after Gioni pointed.

“Claire,” Gioni said, “is a band agent and manager for several really good bands in the region. She was supposed to meet someone here, but he canceled. I suggested she join us.”

James was, in no way opposed. He introduced himself, and Claire shook his hand.

Claire said, “I spoke to the host already, and it’s no problem for us to be seated together.”

James nodded. “Then, let’s get to it. If you’ve not been here before, you’re in for a great treat!”

Picnic Plans

James could see Gioni already at a picnic table, and it looked like she had everything ready.

James knew he wasn’t late. That was not his way at all.

Gioni saw him approaching and waved. “Good afternoon.”

“You got here early?”

Gioni nodded. “It… a problem… If I’m 10 minutes early, I feel like I’m 15 minutes late! But, it works well for meeting deadlines.”

“Everything looks great,” James said as he sat down.

It was a great day. The air was warm, but the sea breeze was kind. The surf crashed gently on the beach as the gulls called their alarms as they soared on the wind.

James sat down, and they ate, chatting casually about their surroundings and talking about Gioni’s work. She told James about the new place where she was house-sitting.

“Not nearly as nice as your sister's, but it’s great in a different way. It was left more raw… a converted industrial building…”

After they finished eating, the moved to a nearby table in under a small cover.

“So,” James said, moving the discussion to the second purpose of the meeting, “I just got back from Kenosha where Ailana is helping to boost awareness for the Humanitarian Housing program there. I was wondering… Maybe we can do something here to boost awareness, too?”

“We?’ Gioni laughed. “I’m not a model.”

 James decided not to say he thought she looked like one. “Well, you are smart. You write. And I think you have a good heart. And… I have an idea…”

Gioni smiled. “What’s that?”

“You enlist Claire to help and we set up a music festival on the beach. She brings in bands. I can… maybe… conscript some a-list band… maybe…” We set it up for the middle of July?”

Gonil smiled. “Okay, and after I get Claire involved what do I do?”

“I don’t know how to set up a music festival. You help me figure it out? I’m sure there will be lots of things to write about…” James paused and shrugged. “You know I’m making all this up on the spot, right? I just think you and I get along well, and we can probably work out how to pull this off… You feel like giving it a shot?

Goni looked off into the distance for a moment, then looked back. “Sure… I like the idea…”

They talked about the idea and next steps for a little while, then chatted casually a little more. Then Gioni said she had to get going and finish a big edit for a nuclear research journal.

James shook his head. “If you understand that sort of thing, I bet you can figure out a music festival!”

Gioni smiled. “Nuclear research is science and numbers. I bet this festival thing will involve people!”

James nodded as she started back to the parking lot. He decided he’d stay in the park a little while longer and make some calls.

This story has been redacted into its own storyline: "Running With The King!"

  • Throughout "Moments In Miami" the part of James King is depicted by the Instagramer king_james_ai. The James King's creator has contributed plot ideas to this story.

  • Whereas this storyline is fictional and includes NSFW content, the agencies and teams in this story are also fictional, though they might remind readers of real organizations.

  • Gioni is a fictional AI character who is part of the Ailana Geven Creates "Living The Dream" story line.

  • Claire is a fictional AI character who is part of the Ailana Geven Creates "Living The Dream" story line.


The title image is Gioni Naalk and James King meeting in the loft appartment of James's sister (not pictured).


Ailana Geven Imagines

Thanks! It is a work in progress with more to come! Notices will go out when it gets updated. If you have any content ideas (for Ailana or any of the characters) let me know. I'm always open to suggestions.