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Julia Ryan was the most unlikely looking geek in the history of geeks. She was a stunning red-head; She had jaw-dropping good looks, by anyone’s standards.

But at the core, she was all about everything geeky. She was officially a data analyst whose specialty was to parse long text files into organized databases that fed AI engines. She was an expert in numerous database engines.

Unofficially, she was a savage sniper in several on-line team shooters who streamed her Friday night sessions to an unimaginable number of subscribers. Known in the on-line shooter world as Deadly Red, she had quite a following.

Julia appears in “Strategic Reversal” a 6.1k words story with 18 pictures (NSFW - PG13).

"Strategic Reversal" is a story in the Secrets Of The World storyline.

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Julia looks intently into her gaming monitor as she plans her next shot!



Must be the boss who took this picture