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Hello my Lovelies! We are on the final days of November and with this we are about to conclude our participation on this Platform.

Just in the case you havent had the chance to read about the situation: Basically Patreon in hacked and all the content within it (Which It supposed to be private reason why you are here) is leaked to a couple of pirate sites that, aside from the fact that they use everyones content without their proper permission, they make profit out of that stolen work. So I come to the conclusion to leave this site and have my own private server where all my content will be secure.

Said that, I want to let everybody know that: On Nov 31st - 1st Dec, you can subscribe to my Ko-Fi account so you can maintain the Tier you currently have on Patreon.

For the Lovelies who can eventually claim a reward, Im recommending that before you start your subscription,  please check out the following sheet that explains all the changes we are going to have on the Rewards Specs.

 This changes will happen mostly because: maintaining this new discord server is going to be more time consuming for me and as well that my work has been growing up so much as time goes by.

* * * * IMPORTANT WARNING * * * * * *

As well I have to say this because I know some lovelies may want to upgrade or downgrade their subscription: **All the slots are taken. So please, do not change to a different tier before you check out if any slot is available first**
Money will be just refunded (with the penalization of PayPal fees) if you proceed to pledge a different amount without consulting first.


Nevertheless,  if you are okay with the changes your current Tier you may have and you do not have further questions about this 😊 Please have the following link with you when time comes up you can maintain your subscription to my content and get access to the new discord server:


If you need assistance with the subscription or you do not want to continue your support through Ko-Fi please let me know lovely! I very very much appreciate all the support you every single one of you have given me so far on the 2+ years we were here on Patreon. You have helped me to maintaing working on what I love the most and for that I will never stop thanking every single one of you, even if you stayed one day, one week, one month, one year. Thank you for staying as long as you could on Patreon and I hope later we met in a future convention! 💜 Thank you so so much for also being so patient on this transition!

Thank you for all Lovelies.
- Erika 



PLEASE WAIT UNTIL DEC FIRST TO PLACE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION: Also here is a little tutorial on how you can place your subscription for the amount you used to have on Patreon so you'll need to do this one time only! https://vimeo.com/484594804

Sherrie Mora

I miss u already!! (Hugs)