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Imagine you are playing a game like that, you are in the step where you are in a date with your favorite character...what lines or phrases would you like to read from the following characters on “that date”?

Help me! ❤️


(Background/ Poetry-Coffee shop) Megatron: The book you lent me was quite interesting, perhaps we should write something together.

Starscream (Directly to his place or Bar)

Optimus (Library or Bar)

Ultra Magnus (Coffee or park)

Soundwave ( Romantic restaurant, cinema or park)

Shockwave ( Planetary, park or any geek place you can imagine, idk why I imagine shockwave being awkward With anything xD)

Rodimus (Video game arcade or fast food place)

Drift (Yoga salon or a beach)

Perceptor (Scientific place like his laboratory, Planetary, woods)

Brainstorm (just like Percy or a Bar)

Nautica ( Aquarium, Mechanical workshop or bar)

Wingblade ( Bar or Park)

Ratchet ( Hospital or Bar)


Sherrie Mora

Okay, i need to do some research but optimus i totally see at a library sine he was an archivist. And like megatron bonding over a book or such. Sorry i am a romantic at heart but i am so not romantic!! Not with words anyway ^^;


No worries! Your words and your ideas always helps me out! <3 Thank you lovely!

Sherrie Mora

whee!! and I also luving everyone els'es ideas as well :D -Starscream: okay seriously I am picturing a bar, then after some drinks inviting said date to continue this evening with the most amazing mech ever at his place (he’s so narcissism, but he can still charm someone with enough drinks :p ) -Optimus: defiantely a library, bonding over a genre or maybe even an author :) -Ultra Magnus: I can see Ultra going for some coffee, like one of those simple little coffee houses -Soundwave: this is doundwave, it has to be a cinema! I mean this is a bot who does not need words to express himself! yes it may help, but I see him doing simple yet meaningful gestures like letting you cling to him during a scarey movie, or wordlessly giving u a tissue during a tearful moment, and looking at you just to see you express yourself (like he loves the way you laugh, or how your eyes light up when you smile, or how he hates seeing you in tears) -Shockwave: shockave is a mech of science, so some kind of museum but definitely a planetary. Him trying to impress you with his knowledge but then getting completely blown away when you point out something he did not know (I see him being completely stunned then admitting that you are far more knowledgable in such an interesting field) -Rodimus: video games. Hands down, yes! Of course if u lose at a game he would so be down for showing you how to win, even coming up behind you to give you a more “hands on” teaching moment ^^ -Drift: I luv the idea of baby goat yoga ^^ -Perceptor: oh his lab! He would be so happy to share his love with someone with a similar mindset! -Brainstorm: I don’t know much about him (sorry!) but like percy or a bar, talking about whatever comes uo, especially if its something both are passionate about -Nautica: I luved the idea someone pointed out since she is a engineer :D -Wingblade or Windblade? Wingblade is like Ironhide, so I can see his ideal date being a firing range or target practice. Windblade somewhere very scenic, maybe with a gorgeous view that you can see for miles and miles. Oh defiantely where u can enjoy a sunset/sunrise! -Ratchet: both. After a long, and tiring shift at eh hospital, u otta unwind and a bar is the perfect place! Can bitch and vent about work and just enjoy having a strong drink and know that you don’t have to explain what happened at work cuz u were there. Okay sorry this was kinda long, I just got myself on a roll ^^ hope these were of help to u!


oh wow! Thank you so much for all the help lovely!! I'll absolutely have that noted right now! Fun fact I was about to write notes for the idea hehe 🤭❤ Thank you lovely!