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(?´U??) ok let's do it

For theme for this month still swimsuit or not?



Yush, still swimsuits. Since we can't go out from quarantine, we'll see the beach with these lovely mommas instead

Neo Tempest

The swimsuit theme is always nice so I'd say stick with it. Or perhaps lingerie?


I want to see those mudsdale braids/dreads lol.


Its summer buddy, so swimsuit all you want


How about some sexy space suits theme?

Grill burger

Would love to see virizion


1st off I want swimsuits but it's kinda unfair that the same pokemon and a different form or her previous form will get top 3. Would like to see a different pokemon in 2nd or 3rd like mudsdale or zebstrika


Come on Virizion! Pull through with this! Go for it!


I'm fine with Swimsuits but maybe track shorts and tank tops would work better with the horse theme( you know like a horse track).


And yes! Swimsuits are perfect for this!😉👍

Krittakorn​ wongprecha

wait a second ! Galarian rapidash and ponyta galarian are the names of the same pokemon


Come on guys! We’ve yet to see a Virizion art, let’s get the vote higher!

Christian Ne0L1nk

heh, well yeah, it's a hot summer, let us make it hotter with bikinis >3> (I refuse the joke now with fire pokemon to make it even more hotter, lol)


And nobody wants to see a milf Cobalion, apparently. Shame.


Come on G.Ponyta...


Mud ‘rastlin Mudsdale. Would be awesome and unique. But I’m thinking it’s a long shot based on those numbers 😆

Jeffrey Ward

I didn't even know there were this many horse pokemon.


We've seen bikinis galor. School girls and teachers too. I've got some suggestions but I like anything you make


Hey, MelonArt? You mind telling me who you hope wins the votes in the poll?🤔


I agree with you! They are pretty popular in the waifu and anthropology areas of the internet, so they’d be a perfect fit, right?🤔


I just voted for them right now as well, so that we can see their art that you make!😉👍


Hey, MelonArt? I loved the Dark Lugia Art! It’s so perfect, and I’m hoping that Latias also gets to be in another poll as well too to have more of her art! Also, I think this will make a whole lot of Latias fans like myself really happy. But it’s only a suggestion, but do you think this is a good idea?🤔


I know she had art already made for her, but an update for the art wouldn’t hurt...would it?🤔


Sorry...my bad. 😓 I just really love Latias a whole lot MelonArt. 😅 Plus, I’ll be calm. And if you do another poll, I’ll suggest Latias in that one. Okay?😉👍


Thanks man!👍


Btw, I’ll also suggest Arceus in the next poll as well just to even things up, cause I really love Arceus as well. That’s all I’ll suggest, for the next poll, okay?😉👍


I say very skimpy public wear along the lines of thinking, “Why wear anything at all?”


I’d say suggestively illustrious/salaciously promiscuous bosswoman business-wear for the Virizion~


Hey, MelonArt! It looks like we’re gonna see some Female anthro Virizion Art soon! I’m looking forward to this, the Galarian Rapidash Art, AND the Rapidash Art as well! Do your best man, we know you can do it! >vo)b


Hahahaha I hope you can be happy and forget that thing


Yahoo! Virizion is in! And I can’t wait to see the Galarian Rapidash, AND Rapidash Art with the Virizion Art soon MelonArt. Do your best man, we believe in you!😉👍

